AI for researchers

In this modern era where AI has taken over almost everything, finding the perfect AI sidekick is like searching for a needle in a haystack of silicon brains! As a researcher, I’ve dug deep into the matrix to bring you some fantastic resources that’ll turn your research process into a smooth, AI-powered joyride. Remember, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!

  • Writing
  1. Jenni AI: This clever AI has got your back with journals and web citations.
  2. Paperpal: Your new AI buddy for papers.
  3. Lex: Write in style with Lex’s page.
  4. Writefull: Academic writing.
  5. HeyGPT: Another ChatGPT
  • Speed-reading like a pro
  1. Scholarcy: Summarizing papers
  2. chatpdf: Making PDFs chatty
  3. Paper Digest: Digest your PDFs with ease.
  4. typeset: Read, search, and conquer those PDF files.
  5. Audiopen: Transform voice notes into summarized text
  • Literature Review AI Tools
  1. Paperdigest: Churning out literature reviews like a champ.
  2. Lateral: Find, organize, and revolutionize your research in one place
  3. Scite: A researcher’s best friend for lit reviews.
  4. ClioVis: Mind maps, timelines, and presentations
  5. Elicit: Your very own AI Research Assistant
  6. Perplexity: Industry + Academic Reviews
  7. litmaps: connect scientific papers
  • Searching the web like an AI-savvy detective
  1. Consensus: Consensus is a search engine that channels its inner AI to extract and distill findings straight from scientific research.

Voice AI

Video AI

Image AI

Music AI

Presentation AI

PDF Reader AI

Data Collection Companies:

Mike Nguyen, PhD
Mike Nguyen, PhD
Visiting Professor of Data Sciences and Operations

My research interests include marketing, and social science.

