Upload files greater than 100MB to GitHub

What if you want to upload more than 100MB?

This is where Git Large File Storage comes in.

  • Step 1: After downloading it from the link above, type git lfs isntall in your “Terminal” (once per user account)

  • Step 2: Go to the folder that has the files you want to upload, type this command

git lfs track "*.rds"

where you can rds to any file types of your choice (e.g., mp4, jpeg, zip, etc.)

if you want to commit multiple types then

git lfs track "*.jpg" "*.png" "*.mp4"

my usual go-to command is

git lfs track "*.csv" "*.xlsx" "*.rds" "*.sas7bdat" "*csv.gz" "*.CSV"

which will create a .gitattributes file

then, you need to track this file by

git add .gitattributes

Alternatively, you can also directly edit your .gitattributes file (but then you still need to add it: git add .gitattributes )

Then, you are done. You can proceed to commit and push to GitHub like usual.

Mike Nguyen, PhD
Mike Nguyen, PhD
Visitng Scholar

My research interests include marketing, and social science.

