Patent Databases

Comprehensive patent data can be found here

United States

Recognizing Patent:

  • Utility: 6 - 8 digits lasts for 20 years from the filed date

Changes to Patent Terms

Year filed Maximum term of validity Act
1790–1835 14 years from issuance Patent Act of 1790
1836–1860 21 years from issuance Patent Act of 1836
1861– 1994 17 years from issuance Congress changed term
1994 - now 20 years from filing Uruguay Round Agreements Act

Table based on wikipedia and USPTO

  • Reissue (RE######)
  • Plant Patent (PP######) lasts for 20 years from the application date
  • Design (D#######) lasts for 14 years from the granted date
  • Additions or Improvements (AI#######)
  • X Patents (X#######)
  • H Documents (H#######)
  • T Documents (T#######)


Matching process with CRSP or Compustat

Mike Nguyen, PhD
Mike Nguyen, PhD
Visiting Professor of Data Sciences and Operations

My research interests include marketing, and social science.

